Media Center

Artificial Intelligence & Automation in a post pandemic world - Dr. Romesh Ranawana
Contracts & Compliance - Kuvera de Zoysa PC
COVID 19 Global Economic Fallout and Country Measures_06Apr2020 - Anushka Wijesinha
Examination of Locus Standi of the EFC Tripartite - A. Rohan Dunuwille & Rhadeena de Alwis
Hacking isn't canceled nor are Hackers in lockdown - Sujit Christy
Loan Guarantees - An idea to Explore - Ravi Ratnasabapathy (22.06.2020)
Pay cuts, Lay-off and Furloughs - A Sri Lankan Legal Perspective - By Rohan A. Dunuwille
EWMI & AmCHam SL Report on the Public Perceptions of Bribery & Corruption in Sri Lanka (2020)